Useful Links
Clubs & Activities
Link to LHS site (Updated Aug 14, 2024)
Parent & Caregiver Discussion Group
A weekly discussion group that welcomes all parents and caregivers of Lexington High School students. The purpose of the group is to enable parents and caregivers to support each other as we help our children learn, grow, and thrive at LHS.
Sign up to receive the group's informative weekly email here.
The LHS Parent & Caregiver Discussion is open to all parents and caregivers of LHS students. The group meets online most Thursday mornings at 9:00am, including a monthly meeting with the LHS principals. The group also hosts a monthly in-person social gathering on Friday mornings. To receive more information via the group's weekly email, please sign up here.
Lexington Education Foundation
Town of LEX
Youth Counseling Connection (YCC)
Youth Counseling Connection is an independent, non-profit agency that provides accessible counseling and outreach services to Lexington youth and their families. YCC strives to improve the emotional wellness of youth in our community.